Mood: bright
We all know that those of us who call ourselves 'Christians' are saved and will go to heaven eventually ... that's true as far as our 'faith' is concerned!
But for many of these Christians -- while they are still on earth (with a yet-to-be-glorified-by-Jesus body at the time of 'regeneration' that Jesus spoke about, as recorded in Matthew 19:28) -- they are living a 'hell on earth' -- with little 'blessings' (especially, material blessings!) and, worse, with ZERO POWER to fight against the cohorts and minions of that loser known as satan! (I won't dignify that idiot by using an uppercase 's' in his lousy, loser name!)
That is, most Christians believe that Jesus Christ is Lord & Savior, that He laid down His life so that His blood washes us so clean of our sins that we are now a blessed House of God where the Holy Spirit of God in-dwells in us, and that this Comforter (aka Counseller; Helper, the 'One') cloths us with His Presence and His Power!
But most of us don't seem to have this Power because we don't have the 'Kingdom mindset' that Bill Johnson speaks and writes about.
Yes, Christians are 'born again' -- a term that Jesus used when He spoke to Nicodemus, as recorded in John 3:3 -- and this means we have the Person of the Holy Spirit. And, we also can feel the Presence of the Holy Spirit -- especially when we prayed, and when we listen and/or sing songs of praise and worship. But most of us lack the Power of the Holy Spirit -- the third 'P', which comes only if we walk in the Kingdom and have a Kingdom mindset.
After all, Jesus said, "Repent, for the Kingdom is at hand."
At this point -- the eyes of those powerless (i.e., with ZERO POWER!) and loser-type (i.e., Hell-on-Earth) Christians are glazing over ... and they are showing their disinterest by an exaggerated yawning! How pitiful for these zero-power, zero-blessings, sucker (!), loser- type Christians!
If your eyes are not glazed over, and if you are not pretending to yawn -- if you want all that Kingdom Mindset, Kingdom Power, Kingdom Life with Kingdom Blessings ... why! ... Read on, dah!
To most Christians, "Repent" apparently brings a crimp to their earthly living or "lifestyle"! They can't do this -- or that! They can't sleep around, aka "screw" around! They can't live it up! They can't drink this or that, smoke this or that, they can't gamble and gamble and gamble -- or try this or that!
How boring! -- say these Christians, when they hear the no-no word, "Repent!"
Obviously, these Christians don't understand what "repent" means!
To Bill Johnson, "repent" means to "change your way of thinking" -- page 156 of his book When Heaven Invades Earth. And in a later book -- The Supernatural Power of the Transformed Mind -- in page 44, Bill Johnson explains what "repent" means:
"Re" means to go back. "Pent" is like the penthouse, the top floor of a building. Repent, then, means to go back to God's perspective on reality. And in that perspective there is a renewal, a reformation that affects our intellect, our emotions, and every part of our lives. Without repentance, we remain locked into carnal ways of thinking. When the Bible speaks of carnality, it doesn't necessarily mean obvious, disgusting sin. Most Christians have no appetitie for sin [e.g., they don't go around saying they want to "screw an Ang-moh woman"]; they don't want to get drunk or sleep around, but because they live without the demonstrated power of the gospel, many have lost their sense of purpose and gone back to sin. Having a renewed mind is often not an issue of whether or not someone is going to heaven, but how much of heaven he or she wants in his or her life right now. (emphasis added - Paul Quek)
Jesus urged us to do an about-face in our approach to reality because His Kingdom is at hand. He brought His world with Him, and it's within our reach. He wants you to see reality from God's perspective, to learn to live from His world toward the visible world. But if you don't change the way you think ...
That is, if you don't want to renew your mind (i.e., if you don't want to change your thinking or attitude, also known as "repent!") -- no Kingdom Power for you!Tough, dah!
No -- or little -- blessings while you are on earth!
Living on earth -- as if you are in hell!
So sorry!
And it's not even the devil's fault!
God won't give you all that money you want -- otherwise He will end up destroying you!
If He gives you all that money you have been asking for, you will start your high living ...
Gambling away ...
Drinking away ...
Smoking away ...
Screwing women all over the place [e.g., actually doing what you had been dreaming about, like "screwing Ang-moh women"] ...
You know? ... The usual "wine, women and song" story of the carnal world.
In fact, the devil -- not God -- is more than willing for you to have all that money you have been praying for ... for the devil knows that ... all that money will destroy you!
So, let us be mindful of what the Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 12:2 -- "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God."
Just in case you think all this stuff about the devil is kids' stuff ... only meant for Sunday School ...
Well, think again ("be transformed by the renewing of your mind") ...
Especially those of you who are now powerless, because you refuse to have a Kingdom mindset and refuse to walk in the Kingdom that is already, as Jesus said, "at hand!" (aka, "here!").
Why do people choose to be powerless, I often wonder?
Bill Johnson says in his When Heaven Invades Earth, "We were born in a war. There are no time outs, no vacations, no leaves of absence. The safest place is in the center of God's will, which is the place of deep intimacy. There He allows only the battles to come our way that we are equipped to win."
Earlier, Bill Johnson had declared that "I was not left on planet earth to be in hiding waiting for Jesus' return. I am here as a military representative of heaven. The Church [i.e., all Christians] is on the attack [We are assaulting the "gates of Hades / hell"]. That's why the gates of hell, the place of demonic government and strength, WILL NOT PREVAIL against the Church."
Bill Johnson also wrote that "Submission is the key to personal triumph. Our main battle in spiritual warfare is not against the devil. It is against the flesh. Coming into subjection puts the resources of heaven at our disposal for enduring victory -- enforcing what has already been obtained at Calvary."
In a later book -- The Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mind -- Bill Johnson wrote, after quoting Matthew 16:18-19 (in which Jesus told His apostles that "I will build My church and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it"):
The Church is the gate of heaven (another way of saying the House of God). Now Jesus introduced the idea of the gate of hell. When I was younger, I read this wrong somehow and thought it meant that "the gates of heaven will prevail against the assault of the enemy". That fit my theology better back then. I saw the Church as a group of people locked inside a compound, shoulders against the gate, trying to hold the fort as the devil and his powerful minions beat against it. I saw the Church in a posture of fear and weakness, trying to protect what we had until God hurried up and rescued us from the big, bad devil. But Jesus gave us an opposite picture. He said, "The gates of hell will not prevail." Has it ever occurred to you that we're on offense, not defense? The principalities and powers that set up dominions or "gates" all over the earth will not prevail against us! We are advancing and winning, and Jesus promises that in the end, no gate of hell will stand. Wow!
We are attacking the "gates of hell" ... we are the ones assaulting those idiotic gates!
Halleluyah! [Praise "Yah(weh)", God the Father!]
Amen! [So be it!]
(Praise "the LORD our God" / Praise "YAHWEH our Father")!
-- Paul Quek
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